Saturday, October 16, 2010

When Negative and Strength Unite

Weight bearing eccentric muscle contractions, also known as negatives, are an excellent method of increasing strength. An eccentric (ek-sentrick) contraction is one where a muscle is lengthening as it is loaded, or bearing weight. Examples include; the downward phase of the biceps curl, the downward phase of the squat, or the downward phase of the push-up. This is actually the contractile phase where your muscles are their strongest, up to 25% stronger than the opposite type of contraction - concentric, or, contraction while the muscle is shortening. This is also the area where the vast majority of injuries occur; when a person is stepping down a stair, bending forward to put on socks, reaching into the back seat, or merely sitting.

We tend to overlook the importance of eccentric contractions to instead lift more weight and trick ourselves into believing we are getting stronger. I see it all the time in the gym; guys on the bench, bouncing enormous amounts of weight off their chests in order to lift enormous amounts of weight. An effective method, until the sternum, or collar bones cave in, but brutally inefficient. This method is also very unfriendly to the spine. Lowering the bar, slowly, and instead raising it quickly is a much safer lift, and creates more strength and even some power.

Doing several sets of eccentric contractions to a muscle group will increase the strength of the muscle for both types of contractions. Try to work a set or two of negatives into your weight lifting routine. Do the negative sets in the middle of each group of exercises per body part. You will actually need to overload the weight, say, use your maximum, and do as few as one or two repetitions. Try to hold each negative repetition for 4-6 seconds. Remember, you are doing only the downward phase, not the upward one. Your core muscles are really being tested here due to the duration of the contraction, so pay strict attention to your posture and form. You are going to need to have a rack, or a strong spotter in order to set the bar down at the bottom of the contraction. Be careful, inhale during the entire eccentric contraction, and pay very close attention to your form. Do not compromise form in order to lift more weight. Be patient, the gains will come. Like the weed growing through a crack in the road; slow, persistent, strength.

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